Monday 8 September 2014

Marshmallows, Creativity and Entrepreneurship @ YES Alumni Tech Innovation Camp, 2014

The past three days have given the participants of the YES Alumni Tech Innovation Camp so much to think about, to learn and to improve in themselves. From big fancy words and essential Social Entrepreneurship concepts like Human Centered Design Thinking to Asset Based Community Development (ABCD for short - basically what we studied in KG/or maybe not) to keynotes from impressive individuals like Faisal Khan (An Entrepreneur who turned his life around at 40) and Jeremy (An awesome Aussie guy who decided to stay in Pakistan and help provide solar energy to far flung rural areas) - we have done it all in just three days so far.

Unlike the above sentence fortunately, all of these learning experiences were broken down for us bit and bit by our amazing Trainers so that the content would not be too overwhelming. We, the participants, were engaged in activities that build upon our previous experience and learning but at the same time had us scratch our heads in wonder as we tried to answer the critical questions asked from us during pitching our business plans (which we eventually did) or worked  on the Javelin Experiment Board. It's amazing how at the end of everyday, the content just made so much sense to us and the business models and strategies presented felt so easily accessible and doable.

For example, we had an activity yesterday which was apparently about spaghetti and marshmallows (two of my most favorite foods) but which in reality was based on much deeper lessons for us. What struck me most about today's Marshmallow Tower activity was it's utter simplicity yet sheer effectiveness of instilling the knowledge of important corporate and entrepreneurial skills in us. It was not just about finding the solution to the given problem (building a Spaghetti tower), it was about identifying the problem to begin with. To be honest, it was truly one of the most fun and engaging team-building activities I personally have ever participated in. And the Tech Camp has been full of such activities so far!

And so that's what the Tech Innovation Camp is about - equipping us with skills, resources and insight into what/where/when/how we can create, pitch and execute ideas for sustainable long-term projects that benefit our communities for years to come. What makes it better than other such Conferences? Simply the fact that it is Tech-centered and Innovative in its approach to achieve the above stated goals.

Thank you to the IEARN Network, US State Department and the trainers for making this amazing opportunity happen for us. I personally am certain that now equipped with all the experiences of #IEARNTECHNOVATE, I am ready to make a sustainable project happen!

Ps. The hotel and the food weren't too bad either.

Quite Grateful,
Moiz Rehan.

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